Q: Do I have to sever ties of kinship with my non muslim family?
There are many other verses too that pertain to this matter. But my situation is that my Father is not a Muslim and he is a civil servant in the air force, and my Wife’s Father is a polytheist (a Christian) and he works for a defense contractor. Doesn’t this mean that I am not allowed to love them? there are so many other verses that talk about this, but I’m also confused because Allah also commands us to love our parents even if they are disbelievers.
Please help me figure this out.
A: I think you should never severe ties with people just because they are not Muslim. You may not agree with their point of view on religion, but Islam teaches us to be kind and loving to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc. I believe that by becoming closer to them, you can show them the beauty of Islam through your character, and maybe by doing so, they might even become more interested in Islam iA. In the Qur’an, it mentions, “Worship Allah alone and associate none with Him. And be kind to parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, near and distant neighbors, close friends, needy travelers, and those bondspeople in your possession. Surely Allah does not like whoever is arrogant, boastful.” [4:36] May Allah (swt) guide us all to the straight path. Ameen!
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