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Illegitimate Child in Islam?!


Q: Salaam, I have made a big mistake, one I don’t know I can fix. I’ve had an illegitimate child recently with a woman of the book. I did not do nikah with her before intercourse, and I was very lost in life in the past year. My child was born a week ago, and I want to know if I can do nikah with the child’s mother after this. I really want to get an answer because I’m doing everything I can to repent and ask forgiveness from Allah.

A: Allah (swt) is the AR-Rahman Ar-Raheem, he is the most forgiving and most merciful. You should do nikkah, especially since you have a child now. Yes, this was a sin, but Allah (swt) forgives. Keep making dua and changing your ways for the better. If this child brought you closer to Allah (swt), this was a gift. May Allah (swt) continue guiding you to the right path!

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