Match the Prophets With Their Miracles

Match the Prophets With Their Miracles


Can you identify which Prophet performed each miracle? Take the quiz and find out!!!



#1. When the unbelievers challenged the Prophet to perform a miracle. He pointed towards the moon and by the will of Allah, it split into two. After some time of staying in that state, it eventually converged back to its original state.

#2. This Prophet rejected the practices of his people. When he destroyed their idols, they prepared a huge fire and threw him into it. However, the fire did not burn him because Allah The Almighty ordered it not to burn him.

#3. The staff was one of the miracles given to this Prophet. By that staff, he defeated the magicians of Pharaoh, extracted water from rock & turned the sea into land by the permission of Allah so that He would save the believers and punish the disbelievers.

#4. The miracle of this Prophet was that he cured the blind and the leper, and gave life to the dead by the permission of Allah The Almighty. He would design the form of a bird from clay, breathe into it and it became a bird by the permission of Allah.


“We surely sent a messenger to every community, saying, “Worship Allah and shun false gods.” But some of them were guided by Allah, while others were destined to stray. So travel throughout the land and see the fate of the deniers!” [16:36]

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1 year ago

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 4/4