During the summer, my sister went on vacation to Hawaii for about a week. Everything was going fine, and she was enjoying her time off. However, on the third day she and her friend went to dinner at a restaurant and sight-seeing afterwards.
When my sister returned to her hotel, she noticed her credit card was missing. She was freaking out and looked all around her hotel room. She called restaurants, parks, and the lobby, but no luck. She also called the credit card company and locked it.
When something goes wrong, my sister also calls me for advice and to pray for her. I really felt bad for her because I knew that she would not enjoy the rest of her vacation with this on her mind. I told her to pray to Allah (swt) and trust HIM. I told her that she will either find it, or Allah (swt) will giver her something better. (Whenever something is taken away, Allah (swt) will replace it with something even better). I also told her to say Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un translates to “To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return”. We usually say this when someone dies, when something is unexpected, or when it causes discomfort.
I checked with my sister daily and had no luck. Suddenly, on the last day of her trip, she called me to tell me that she received a random email from a restaurant. “We found your lost item…would you like us to mail it to you, or would you like to pick it up?” She could not believe it because she really thought there was no way it would ever be returned. My sister was so happy and thanked Allah (swt) because she knew this could in no way be random.
The reason why I shared this story is because it really shows that when you put your trust in Allah (swt) and make dua, Allah (swt) delivers in the most unexpected ways possible. Sometimes, we are tested in life, and during these moments, we must keep calm and place our trust in Allah (swt). May Allah (swt) always take care of us and fulfill our duas.
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“And rely upon Allah; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.” [Quran 33:3]

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