Are Duas Hopeless?!

Hate Someone With a Passion?!


Are Duas Hopeless?!

“Call upon Me, I will respond to you. Surely those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell, fully humbled.” [Quran 40:60]

Challenge of the Day #100: Think about someone you hate and make dua for them.

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2 months ago

I can’t think of any one person I hate. When I think of hating, I think of the people consuming the wealth of others unjustly in developed nations. I hate the corrupt authorities in developing and undeveloped nations who are bribed by multinationals to exploit and oppress their people for the resources necessary to keep socioeconomic institutions prosperous and us consumers satiated. I think of my hatred for the 1.? billion Muslims who are Muslims only in name. I hate that I, a revert who began as a true believer, have now become like all the other Muslims in name as a consequence of having no Muslim environment other than the one provided by Muslimunaafiqun.